“Connecting with nature in a conscious and intended way can facilitate a re-connection to our most vital and potent ecological, psychological and biological Selves”.
-Village NDs
Village Naturopaths offer Deep Nature Connection services outside of our clinical practise. Individual and group workshops are hosted at our herb farm on the L.A.N.D. in Port Stanley, Ontario. For information on how we can help meet your individual “Nature-needs”, and/or to arrange private nature connection sessions and workshops, please email us at: info@villagenaturopaths.com
Deep Nature Connection is a distinct set of practices aimed at strengthening our relationship to the natural environment. This is done using “Core Routines”, as established by the Authors of Coyote’s Guide to Connecting With Nature and the 8 Shields Institute. These routines draw from the rhythms, rituals and themes found in all nature based societies around the world. By reconnecting to Nature via these routines, we not only reawaken our empathic relationship with the Earth, we also re-connect to a primordial, ecological rhythm that benefits our biological and psychological Selves.